Reasons why a Dordt biology professor* went from theistic evolution to Biblical creation

Part one:  how I went from atheistic evolution to theistic evolution:

I used to believe evolution and taught it for several years in college biology classes.  I taught it as one who believed in evolution, not just a little bit.  I believed it a lot.  It wasn’t just a simple scientific theory for me, it was a substitute for God, an alternate religion.  It was a religion that answered my basic questions about the universe and my place in it. I thought that as a scientist I could help bring utopia right here on earth.  We had a better plan than the one you could read about in the Bible.

Given that beginning, what changed me from belief in evolution to belief in what the Bible says? I’ll admit I don’t get any credit for this. I was not looking for God.  Little did I know He was looking for me.  The change began with my first college teaching position. It was at Eastern Baptist College in St. David’s Pa, a suburb of Philadelphia.  I’ll get back to that in a moment.  I told them at the time I wasn’t a Christian. I believed in evolution.  But I had all the right academic essentials and background.  So I got hired.

The chemistry professor noticed that my wife and I didn’t do Christian things like go to church, so he invited us to his home for a Bible study.  At the time I thought it was positively amusing that people in the 20th c. would still study an old outmoded book like the Bible.  But free coffee and donuts.  Those are three of my favorite words.  So for all the wrong reasons we took off for the Bible study.  I had to admit the Bible told a radically different story about the beginnings of the world; not “in the beginning hydrogen”, but “ in the beginning God.”  And God created a perfect world in peace and harmony. It wasn’t until man’s sin corrupted the world which God had created “very good,”  that death entered the world and disease and disasters and things like we see going on around us in the present time.  In fact the Bible told us that things got so bad that God had to destroy that first world with a flood to give it a fresh start with Noah and his family.

But praise God he is not finished with his world.  Today sin is ruining the world that God created very good.  The Scripture tells us this present world is stored up for fire.  But just as God saved those who would believe in the coming flood, so we can believe in Jesus Christ and his coming again when He will create a new heavens and a new earth where the wolf and the lamb will lie down together.

This is so dramatically different from the evolutionary story. I had to admit that the Bible story was much much better.  In the evolutionary story it all begins with death.  There is this explosion and it all ends in death.  The universe will expand itself into oblivion or come back together again and crush itself into oblivion.  Death wins.  But not in the Bible.  In the Bible, life begins in the life of God.  Death is a temporary intruder.  And in Christ we can be raised into a new rich and abundant life that goes on forever.  I thought, “Wow. What a wonderful story. Too bad, it isn’t true.”  That’s the way I felt at that time.  But we got free coffee and donuts.  So I kept going back to that Bible study anyway.

About that time, I got a copy in the mail of the first book I wrote, a book on DNA, that famous molecule of heredity.  It was a science text-book.  It had been reviewed by experts in the field and represented the latest and greatest knowledge in the field in that subject.  But as the Lord would have it, seeing that book with my name on the title page had a life changing impact on me.  Up until that time I thought that people who wrote books knew what they were talking about. Though I had written a book considered up to date, I knew all of the mysteries and uncertainties that went into that book.  Five years later I wrote the second edition.  I thumbed through the first edition and just laid it aside because so much had changed in just five years.  I started over on blank paper.

Maybe someone told you, “You can’t take the Bible as a science textbook.”  I like to say, “You are right about that.  I’ve written five science textbooks.  They all have had to be rewritten.”  The Bible did not have to be rewritten at all.  God had it right the first time.  So I began to pay attention in that Bible study.  And God convinced me through the Spirit that he was really what he said he was in his Word.  And I became a Christian.

Ah, you know the sequel to that story.  As soon as I became a Christian, my wife and I got along ever so much better; our four little children began to behave like perfect little angels. Well, not quite.  The time of first belief however is really special.  Some of you may remember the time.  You seem to float along the ground.  Your feet hardly touch the ground.  It was so fabulous to be in tune with the Lord God, Maker of heaven and earth.  But a lot of times the Lord lets us go through a time of second thoughts, of doubts, so we can measure for ourselves what our new faith really means.

For me all of those doubts centered on all those so called “mountains of evidence for evolution.” Then, aha.  A light bulb went on. All that stuff about evolution is true, but God did it. Now at the time, I thought that was an original idea.  I found out since, it is a fairly common idea, sometimes called theistic evolution, sometimes called progressive creation. At first it seemed to be a perfect combination.  I could go to church on Sunday and believe everything in the Bible.  I could go back to class on Monday and still teach my students all that stuff about evolution that I had been forced to learn. It seemed like the ideal solution.

We all know Christians who try to put evolution and the Bible together, and like me at that time, these Christians have a false romanticized idea about the evolutionary process.  Some people just think of evolution as this step by step upward onward progress.  It sounds like something God might do. 

Part two:  Reasons I went from theistic evolution to Biblical creation.

  1. Reason one – the God of theistic evolution is not good.

This is the way this progress is described by Darwin.  “From the war of nature, famine and death, the production of higher animals directly follows.” From the WAR of nature, FAMINE and DEATH.  And I began to think: does that way of death sound like the way God, who created the heavens and earth, calls all “very good”? This same God who tells us in Genesis 6 that he “was grieved to his heart at the violence” and corruption that filled the world?

In Hunter’s book Darwin’s God, we learn that evolution was born not first of all from a study of changes in finches or pigeons, but from Charles Darwin’s struggle to explain violence and cruel death.  On the Galapagos Islands he saw hundreds of baby turtles just coming out of their shells crawling on the sandy beach toward the ocean only to be eaten by the birds. That was “nature raw in tooth and claw.” Annie, his favorite 9 year old daughter died after a year of great stomach pain and he was angry with God for this. So Darwin decided he couldn’t believe in a cruel God.  So he created the idea that God had no control over any of what we call creation, so he couldn’t be blamed for this violence and corruption. So Darwin proposed evolution in which all things happen by directionless chance. Later he even gave up this low form of deism of a powerless absentee God, and believed there was no God at all.

But the Bible teaches that God is good.  Psalm 107 says, “O praise the Lord for he is good, his chesed (Hebrew for kindness, mercy, and loyalty) is forever.” It was our sin that ruined the world that God had made.  So I began to think about that.  I said to myself:  “There is no way God would use death and accidents as his means of creation.”

Yet that is what evolutionists still believe.  Carl Sagan, was on the cover of Time Magazine, and told the story of how humans began.  Sagan said that only through an immense number of deaths, death and accident, death and accident, death and accident over millions of years, are you and I, brains and all, here today.

Jacques Ellul, a famous biochemist and atheist, said it this way: “I am surprised that any Christian would believe that God would use such a cruel, wasteful, and inefficient process as evolution for his means of creation.”

So now I could see that evolution was not just a simple scientific theory.  It was the whole opposite of the Gospel message.  If the world we live in now was a world as God created it, full of death, disease, and violence, why would Christ come to conquer death, why would he come to heal, why would He come to raise us to newness of life, if death and disease were the way God made things when it was called “very good.”

But it was not that way at all.

But I wondered.  How am I going to get out of this?  Well, I didn’t have to do it on my own.

Help came to me in the form of a new biology professor who came to our university that year.  This time this Christian University also hired someone who was really a Christian, as well as a creationist.  And he showed me at his home the famous, or infamous book, The Genesis Flood by the hydrologist Henry Morris and the theologian, Whitcomb.  He wanted me to go through this book together and show me the problems in evolution and the evidence for creation.  We read a few paragraphs together, and I got upset, angry, and irate.  I said, “Don’t these people know this, don’t they know that???”  Alan got me calmed down, and we started reading the next evening.  The same thing.  I got angry and irate.  Finally Alan said, “Maybe you ought to read this on your own.  We’ll talk about it when you are done.” Little did I know that God was beginning to work in my heart.

  1. The Genesis Flood book showed me so many evidences against evolution.

My record for seeing doubts about evolution arising in other people, was a one hour lecture at Fresno State University in California followed by five hours of questions.  One of these university students stayed for five hours and would say, “But… but…but.”  I thought, “The Lord is beginning to work with him as he did with me.”

By the time I finished reading that book, I began to feel cheated.  Why had no one ever pointed out to me the problems with evolution?  Why had no one ever pointed out the abundant evidence of creation?  That book dealt mainly with geology, so I began to look into my own specialty of biology and the evidence for creation was everywhere.  I still can’t imagine how I missed it.

  1. A woodpecker developing from a normal bird by chance is impossible. Also called the argument from irreducible complexity.

One of the clearest and simplest evidences, one of my favorites, is the birds that make their living banging their heads into trees, the ones we call woodpeckers.  Did you ever wonder what would make a woodpecker peck wood?  Was it frustration over loosing the worm that the early bird got first?  And if he began pecking for that reason, wouldn’t he just knock himself silly?  When the woodpecker hits the tree, the deceleration experience is over a thousand times gravity.  Most of you have watched the astronauts take off into space, and get pushed back in their seats.  But that is just a few times gravity.  The force of the woodpecker is so great that it has to be a dead-on hit.  A slip to the left or right, and the speed of the sheering force would literally take the cover off the brain.  So it has to have good muscle and nerve co-ordination, a heavy duty bill, a shock absorbing tissue behind it, a reinforced skull, all that to be able to drill holes in a tree.

How did all that happen?  I can’t believe that I once taught this as the fact of evolution.  But in evolution you always have to begin with something simple.  For example you begin with a bird that isn’t a woodpecker yet, flying around minding its own business. Evolution would say that a normal bird got hit with a cosmic ray, that being  the first step in the woodpecker’s evolutionary progress, making some kind of random change in heredity that we call a “mutation.”

Now mutations really do occur.  In fact we have identified over 3500 of them responsible for various diseases in human beings alone.  But the evolutionists say  “Maybe once in a while we get a lucky mutation, a lucky accident.”  So here a baby bird is born with a mutation, giving it a heavy duty bill, and decides to try it out.  Whack. He throws his head into the tree.  His bill is strong enough, but he squishes in the front of his face..  He has a massive cerebral hemorrhage.  One dead bird.  End of evolutionary progress.  So now you see why evolution is so slow.

An evolutionist might say, “Well, now maybe it was the other way around.  Maybe the bird got the heavy duty skull first by accident.” Now the bird throws his head into the tree, this time the skull was OK, but krinkle, krinkle krinkle, his bill folds up like an accordion. He dies.  So it’s still nowhere into being a successful woodpecker. He has to have both of those at the same time before either one has survival value.

It is to Darwin’s credit that he recognized that.  He calls “adaptation”, (the marvelous fit of living things to their environment), not “evidence for the theory of evolution”, but “difficulty with the theory.”

Since the fall, since death entered the world, some of those woodpeckers are doing more than drilling holes to store acorns.  They are looking for beetles under the bark.  The beetles hear all this pounding and just crawl further down the bark tunnel they had eaten.  So what does the bird need if it’s looking for beetles for lunch, for this treat of a live beetle?  It needs a long sticky tongue.  But if it has a long sticky tongue just by chance, where will you put it?  It is dangling out of your bill so you keep biting your tongue or tripping over it.  Or imagine flying over a low twig with your tongue hanging out, and it wraps around the twig, and you hang yourself.  There are real hazards here.  The answer for the woodpecker is to slip that tongue in a sheath that goes all the way around the skull under the scalp and inserts into the right nostril.

So the next time you see a woodpecker on your tree taking bark beetles out you can watch the scalp twitch as the tongue goes in and out.  And praise the Lord again for his incredible marvel of creation and design, that could never be put together by time and chance and the struggle for survival.

  1. Contrary to so many liberal theologians, Genesis is the foundation for all aspects of life

So I thought, this is pretty neat.  It’s time that I start sharing this evidence of creation with my students. By now I had been teaching at this Christian College for 3 years, and since I had changed from evolution to creation, it was time to put my faith into practice in the classroom.  But in this case I got into trouble.  With whom?  With members of the Bible department!

At this particular “Christian” College, and maybe I should put that in quotes now, the Bible department was teaching that the Old Testament was a collection of Babylonian myths and fables, and that Jahweh or Jehovah was a tribal war God of the Hebrew nation with no relation at all to Jesus Christ or the God of love in the New Testament.  So in the Bible classes, teachers were pointing out all the errors and mistakes and bad theology in the Bible, and here I was in the science classes saying  “This is the Word of God.  You can believe everything, from Genesis 1:1 right to the end.” (Audience laughs heartily)

Well, that was a little too much for the Bible department, so they challenged me to a debate.  Well, there were three of them, but only one of me.  They didn’t want me to have the underdog sympathy, so they said, “You may go and get some help.”  So I got the chemist who led the Bible study and the biologist who helped lead me to understand Genesis.  So here was the great debate.  The Bible department defending  evolution, and the science department defending creation.  (Audience laughs and claps)

Unfortunately, that is a world wide phenomenon.  I’ve had the pleasure of being on many speaking trips with Ken Ham, the Australian creationist. Maybe you have heard from him that in Australia they have mandatory religious education classes in public schools.  But it was harder to get into those religion classes, than into the science classes.

Yet Christians need to be reminded what a treasure trove Genesis is.  Jesus quoted from Genesis more than from any other book in Scripture.  When Jesus was asked about divorce he went back to Genesis one and two.

If your daughter decides to wear almost nothing as swimming gear, and you dialogue with her like this:  “You can’t wear that.”  “Why not”? “It’s wrong” “Why is it wrong?”  “Well, it’s not right”  “Why is it not right?”  “Because it’s wrong?”……. The daughter thinks it’s just a matter of your opinion.  You’re just an old fogy.  Let’s go back and see what God says about clothing, when he clothed Adam and Eve as a symbol that our sinful nakedness needs a covering. It’s not your opinion or my opinion. It’s what God says.

Where did we come up with this radical idea that marriage is for one man and one woman for all of life?  Right back to Genesis one and two.  Where did Paul go? “In the beginning God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Bruce.” This in contrast with the world we live in now.

Especially now, we must not surrender those things taught us in Genesis.  The beginning of nations, (Gen. 10), the proper role of government( Genesis 9), all is spelled out in that fabulous book of beginnings.

  1. My courses in geology only showed more problems with evolution.

At the end of that debate, no one asked questions about biology any more; but some friends of mine said, “Look, Parker, if you only knew something about fossils, then you would give up this creation nonsense, and come into the 20th century with the rest of us.”

About that time the Lord gave me a grant from the National Science Foundation to go back and work on a doctoral degree in biology and add paleontology, the study of fossils as a minor.  It was the  richest I’ve been in my life.  I would like to thank the American tax payers for your generous support.

At that time I knew I was a Christian.  I was pretty sure I was a creationist.  But if the fossils didn’t work out, I just wouldn’t tell anybody about it.  Sorry to say, I’m not a man of great courage.

But interestingly enough, although all my professors believed in evolution, the things that they taught, the fossil facts in God’s world, made it hard to believe in evolution, and easy to believe what the Bible teaches us about Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, and the Cross, our redemption in Christ.

  1. My course in fossil plants did not prove evolution

One of the first courses I took was in fossil plants.  I showed up on the front row.  I didn’t want to miss a thing.  The prof comes in, fashionably late, and says  “I suppose you are all here to learn a little about the evolution of plants.” I nodded.  I wanted to know how big the problem was going to be.  He said:  “Well, you aren’t going to learn much.  Charles Darwin wrote 150 years ago that the origin of flowering plants is ‘an abominable mystery.’  Nothing has happened in the last 150 years to change that.  What you are going to find is that our modern plant groups go way back in the fossil record.”

Professor Horner at Cambridge University, an evolutionist, put it this way: “I still think to the unprejudiced, if you just look at the fossil facts, the fossil record of plants is in favor of creation.”

  1. My course in animal fossils disproved evolution: stasis, polystrate fossils.

So a man of a little courage was beginning to take a little heart at that.  So I signed up for the course in animal fossils.  This had mostly geology majors in it.  I warned my wife that I would have to come home late, and stay up late to catch up with all the background of the geology students had, but I got into the animal fossil course, and they were talking about gastropods, stall isopods, cephalopods, decapods, dodecapods, and arthropods, and all the other pods that biology is famous for.  I was right at home.  I already knew all of those names.  It was the geology majors that were saying, “How come you make up such big names for such little things?” Why did I already know the names of all the fossil animals?  Because they were the same as the animals that are living on the earth today.  Except there used to be more animals and plants living on the earth and they are now extinct.  Instead of a record of  upward, onward progress, it looked like things were created well designed to multiply after their kind and something happened.  Something happened to cause a decline in size and variety.  Many forms became extinct.  So what I was learning there in geology classes was supporting what the Bible had to say about these very topics.

In fact, if you dig as deep as you can in the earth, the Bible is still supported.  Anybody wonder where snails came from?  Snails come from snails.  Anybody wonder where clams came from?  Clams come from clams.  You have the oldest fossils on earth laid right next to the same kind we find living in the ocean today. You find clams, snails, corals. What’s the one thing you never find?  You never find snams, or clails or snorals.

What about those rock layers, layers stacked on top of one another, like you see in Grand Canyon?  According to the usual version of evolution it takes millions of years to stack up those layers of rock.  Well, the professor in the stratigraphy class was talking about  layers of rock that involved 20 million years of evolution.  Then he said, As I examined these layers down by the creek bed, here was a shell fish, an ammonite, with a shell shaped like an ice cream cone, perched on its tip end, the rest of its body through all those layers that lasted 20 million years.  How could that be?  How could that ammonite perch there for 20 million years without falling over, or decaying through that long period? He said, these things are real mysteries, and wrote on the board, “polystrate fossil.” That means fossils that cut through many rock layers.  Those polystrate fossils are common in coal deposits.  In the coal deposits we find  trees that stand up through what some would say was thousands of years of coal deposits, and the top of the tree hadn’t even rotted.  Something is wrong with that theory of thousands of years.  It looks like it was not a lot of time involved in depositing these rock layers, but a lot of water mixed with sediment burying the tree in such a short time that none of the tree rotted.

  1. The Grand Canyon layers deny evolution.

In the Grand Canyon itself…… I would like to stake the canyon out with Bible verses, going from the bottom to top, reading stages in Noah’s flood as described in Scripture.  In the Grand Canyon, there is one point that rock layers are being stacked on top of each other so fast that they skipped 150 million years of evolution without skipping a beat.  So when you are a tourist with your heavy back pack and little steps going up the canyon, in one little step upwards you skip  150 million years.

Now the evolutionists know there is supposed to be a lot of sedimentary rock in that gap or a lot of evidence of erosion.  Neither one is there.  At least the evolutionist has been honest enough to realize that they have not found any evidence of erosion.  It looks like one layer of sediment was laid down smoothly right on top of the other, then formed into rock.  The professor, even though he believed in evolution put it this way: How can land just lie there, neither depositing nor eroding for millions of years and then just pick up as if nothing had happened?

Well, on a geology test, I suggested an explanation for that, that in terms of the ecology of the flood, when water changed directions, it deposited plants and animals from one environment directly on top of another.  The good news is I got an A on the test and the essay.  The prof said that would be a good theory, but I don’t think it could happen with all that time missing.  So he was thinking as many Christians think:  if only there is a lot of time, then the evidence makes sense.

But exactly the opposite is true. If you believe in huge amounts of time, geology becomes a mystery.  You don’t know how those rock layers in the Grand Canyon are the way they are, you can’t explain the polystrates, you don’t know how those huge boulders got moved at the bottom of the Grand Canyon.  You don’t even know what was going on at Mt. St. Helens.

  1. The events at Mt. St. Helens prove that mighty canyons can form in a few days

Mt. St. Helens was a laboratory demonstration by the Lord God Almighty of what a little tiny volcano can do with a lot of water and a short period of time.  At the first eruption of Mt. St. Helens in 1980, a mud slide came down into Spirit Lake that sheared off enough trees on the side of a hill that would make 2 and a half million board feet of timber.  The trees were sheared off  and deposited in the lake, and the logs  gradually went from horizontal to vertical with the broken off roots below the surface, some sinking down into the mud at the bottom of the lake, where layers of mud wrapped around the sunk logs.  Some day someone may call them polystrate fossils.

And what happened two years later?  There was a second eruption which spilled a huge amount of mud and water into the north fork of the Toutle River, carving a deep canyon. Five days later, not 5 million years later, when the dust settled, one could see a small version of the Grand Canyon, a 1/40th sized scale model of Grand Canyon.  And as you stand in the bottom of the canyon, and look at these newly formed sides, 16 stories high, you see banded layers.  You see side canyons also, as you see in the Grand Canyon.  The Mt. St. Helens canyon was eroded in five days. How many days did Noah’s flood take?  More than 360 for swelling and decaying.  Thus there would be plenty of time to see those features we see there in the Grand Canyon that is 40 times the size of the Mt St Helen’s canyon.  It was formed by a lot of water, not a lot of time.

10  Radioactive decay dating has huge uncertainties

So that may raise the question of radioactive decay dating.  Surely since we live in the 20th century, we must accept the idea that radioactive decay proves the earth is millions of years old.  So I signed up for the course in geophysics, and the unit on radioactive decay dating.  The prof explained the method and then gave us a problem, to calculate the age of the rock based on rubidium strontium, much better than uranium-lead or potassium argon.  So I worked on this problem.  I did the age of the earth on one sample, the age of the rock on another sample, and one was nearly 10 times bigger than the other.  Ah no, just like my check-book the arithmetic didn’t work.  So I went back and tried it again to make it work out.  I did stay up past midnight that time.  As I walked to class the next day, I asked my friends, “Did you get that problem?”  “No, we didn’t get it to come out.”  So we all sneak into class, with slumped shoulders, thinking the prof is going to get mad at us for not understanding the method.  Instead he said: “I just wanted to show you the method doesn’t always work.” We could have tarred and feathered him.

Where do you have to go to find out uncertainties like that?  Just ordinary science magazines and science newspapers.  They are running problems like this all the time.  Some of you have heard of this fossil called Lucy. Lucy was once considered THE missing link between apes and man.  Well, now we have found both ape fossils and human fossils BELOW the level where Lucy was found.  It’s just another of those  ism’s  that have become wasm’s, because they turn out to be false.  When Lucy was first found, Donald Johansen wanted her to be older than anything that the Leaky family had found.  The first date he got was only 3million years.  He thought it has got to be older.  So he waited for a while.  The examiner said “I have a new date for you.  It’s 3 ½ million years.”  Johansen said, “I’ll take it.” Nobody bothered to ask why the second date would be any good if the first date checked four different ways was wrong.  Other scientists got involved in studying this volcanic ash, and concluded that Lucy was younger than the first date.  An editor from Science News interviewed the scientist who had been wrong 4 times so far and asked “What do you think about these people who tell you that you were wrong all four times?”  He replied, “I can live with it.”  He was so used to being wrong, being wrong one more time was no big deal.  The editor for science news wrote that article up under the interesting title : “Lucy, the trouble with dating an older woman.”

This is mentioned by William Stansfield in a textbook on evolution written by an evolutionist for evolutionists down at Cal Poly, one of the most prestigious scientific institutions in the world.  And in that book, written by an evolutionist for evolutionists, he talks about all the problems in setting ages.  He says age estimates by different methods are often quite different, sometimes by 100’s of millions of years.  We are not talking about one or two per cent errors, or 10 or 20 % error, but 99.9999  per cent error. And he doesn’t even stop there.  He says there are a lot of problems in believing that the earth is old, because there is evidence for a young earth.  For example: 1) the rapid formation of coal deposits; 2) the pressure still in oil wells.  That pressure would have been gone if all the oil in the earth is less than 200,000 years.  Yet a lot of oil is there still. A lot of it is in the wrong place politically, but a lot of oil is left indicating the earth would have to be far younger.

  1. Carbon 14 dating has huge problems

3) Then he gets to my personal favorite, Carbon 14.  Misinformation about carbon 14 has been used effectively by the devil to confuse a lot of Christians.  The information we have is something quite different.  Stansfield mentions there is only enough carbon 14 in the atmosphere for an earth less than 20 thousand years old, in fact a lot closer to 10.  He believes in evolution, but he believes in being honest with the evidence.  What’s wrong here? There’s not enough carbon 14.  So you can see his answer right there in the textbook.  He says perhaps there was a greater concentration of water vapor in the atmosphere prior to the Biblical flood, so that carbon 14 could not have been formed as much as today. That’s Biblical with a capital B  in this evolution textbook.  And he went on … “approximately 5000 years ago.”  That’s better dating than many theologians yet.  So here is an evolutionary scientist who says:  I know why carbon 14 is out of balance.  It was the Biblical flood, 5000 years ago  that shook up the earth’s atmosphere. I say, Amen, it sounds good to me.

And so just when Christians are having trouble with these things, scientists themselves are discovering that the facts that we have in God’s world are really pointing to the facts that we read in God’s word.

  1. 14 assumptions in radioactive dating, making this dating method uncertain.

The final assignment on that unit on radioactive decay dating in that university class, was to list  all the assumptions you have to make before you can begin to date a rock. I had a list of 14 different assumptions.  As we were going over these in class, the prof stopped in the middle of it, and said, “If a Bible believing Christian ever got hold of all this, he would make havoc out of the dating system.”  So he said, “Keep the faith.” At bottom that’s all there is to radiometric dating, at bottom that’s all there is to evolution.  A FAITH. THE FACTS HAVE FAILED.

  1. Maintaining evolution is not based on facts. The facts have failed. 

I thought.  “Wow.  If it’s a matter of keeping the faith, I have another faith I’d rather really keep.” And that faith stands on the Rock.

And that’s not just my faith.  1000’s of scientists around the world have come to that same conclusion, that the faith that fits the facts is the faith that we read in God’s Word, Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, and the Cross with redemption in Christ.

That should not surprise us.  That’s what Psalm 19 says:  The heavens DECLARE the glory of God.” They don’t disguise his glory.  The things God made testify to his eternal power and deity.  Romans 1:20  “The invisible things of God are clearly seen in the things that have been made” , God’s power as Creator and Sustainer, as Judge and Redeemer are all present in the things that have been made.

Where else do we read about clearly known truths?  “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights.”

Why would Dr. James Kennedy’s conference here on Reclaiming America invite my reflections on creation?  Because creation belongs at the very foundation of the US Declaration of Independence.  Where did the founding fathers say our rights come from?  Are our rights given to us by the government?  Not at all.  Our rights are given to us by our Creator, who made us in His image.  And we have chosen to delegate those rights to our government.  It’s we the people receiving our rights from God who delegates their protection to the government.

I recognize that is not politically correct anymore. Today to be politically correct, it is the government, not God, who gives us our rights.  We thought we had the right to pray, because it was guaranteed in the bill of rights.  But now somebody tells us we don’t have that right, at least not in our schools, and many times in any public place. But those are OUR schools.  Remember when PARENTS were in control of the schools?  Now they have become GOVERNMENT schools and the government who can give rights can take them away. We used to think for sure that we have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (then it meant pursuit of using our talents).  But now the government says, “No, not if you are still in your mother’s womb.  That right does not belong to you anymore.”  Think of all the other rights that have been taken away.  That should frighten us. A government that can give rights is a government that can take it away.  We need to get back to that foundation, that our rights come from God who has created us.

How do we do that?  God would not leave us in the dark about this.  I Peter 3:15  gives the secret to reclaiming America:  informed Christians ready to give a reason for the hope that is within.  Peter writes:  “Be ready always to give a reason for the hope that is within you, in gentleness and meekness.”  Informed Christians putting their faith into practice.  That’s our job, to challenge and equip you to be ready and able to reclaim America for Christ, through the Gospel of a God who is good, not the evil God of the chaos of evolution.



* Gary Parker is a special friend of mine who taught biology at Dordt College in the early 70’s. His three gentle girls all took violin lessons with me at the Sioux Center Christian School, and when he moved to a different Christian college, he insisted on paying me double what I was asking in the rent up to that point.  Gary Parker  spoke at a week-end creation conference at Dordt around 1998.  Gary likes to use humor. He is such a gentle fellow, and our family got to really love and appreciate his generous and humble family.  He is one third Cherokee Indian.  What you just read about his journey was transcribed from a lecture given in 2005 at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church at a conference organized by James Kennedy, Ph.D. The summaries in bold print were mine (Gary Vander Hart)

Gary’s educational background:  He received his BA in biology and chemistry, his Master of Science in biology and physiology, and his Ed Doctor’s degree in biology and geology all from Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana.  After teaching at Dordt, he joined the Institute for Creation Research in San Diego, then joined with Answers in Genesis as senior lecturer (1994-1999), then headed the science department at Clearwater Christian College in Florida. He presently hosts students in his creation museum in Florida, while lecturing from time to time in various countries.

Dr. Parker earned several academic awards, including admission to Phi Beta Kappa (the national scholastic honorary), election to the American Society of Zoologists (for his research on tadpoles), and a fifteen-month fellowship award from the National Science Foundation.

He has published five programmed textbooks in biology and six books in creation science. These last  six books have been translated into eight languages. He has appeared in numerous films and television programs, and has debated and lectured worldwide on creation.  The following interview with Gary tells about his present work in digging fossils for his museum.




SRS Response to Dr. Eppinga

Dear Dr. Eppinga,

Sorry that I have caused you grief.  My statement that you were promoting the books of John Walton and teaching theistic evolution was based on several lines of evidence.  If the following evidence is false, I will gladly correct it.

  1. Evidence that you recommend the reading of Walton’s books, and that you appreciate his “insights”.
    A. Two of Walton’s books are  recommended books to read in your study guides to “faith and science integration” which you and your team created during the past summer and put on line at the following site //,

At the end of the study called Did Adam and Eve exist, the guide recommended just one book,  The Lost World of Adam and Eve by John Walton, found at the site

At the end of the study called How do Christians view the creation of the World the guide recommended  The lost world of Genesis One:  Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate, by John Walton  found at the site:

  1. The 6 science teachers including yourself who met with students at the “Doubt Night” held in the evening of Oct 30 at Dordt to discuss the Oct. 26 debate between the creationist Todd Wood and the theistic evolutionist Darrell Falk, did not raise objections to Falk’s recommendation that Walton’s book gave great answers to how to put Genesis and evolution together.  That at least was the testimony to me of one of the students who attended Oct 26 and Oct 30.
  2. On Oct. 29 you sent a letter to Fictorie who in turn sent it to a couple dozen students in the Kuyper scholarship program which invited the students to go to NW college on Nov. 6 to hear John Walton in person.  You claim Walton has “new insights”   Here is a copy of your letter:

From: Robbin Eppinga
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2018 1:43 PM
Subject: John Walton @ NWC on Nov 6

Hi all,

I might have mentioned to you that John Walton will be speaking at NWC in the “Science as a Faithful Witness” series next week.

Here is the NWC information about the talks at 11am and 7:30pm:

“During his presentations, Walton will discuss the early chapters of Genesis not as an account of scientific origins, but as an account of identity. Through his morning lecture, “Immanuel Theology: What God Has Always Wanted,” and evening presentation, “The Lost World of Adam and Eve,” Walton will share his wisdom about biblical texts and the ancient Near Eastern world to guide audience members through an interpretation of Genesis 2 that yields new insights.”

Blessings, Robbin Eppinga, Ph.D.  Biology Professor  Dordt

  1. Evidence that points to your advocacy of theistic evolution.
  2. The first evidence is in the study you wrote called Is the Theory of Evolution Compatible with the Christian Faith,  based on the book by Lamoureau, Evolution  Scripture and Nature say Yes!   The content of this study is found at:

I invite the readers of this article to look at the questions for study in the above link and decide for themselves if there is a bias towards theistic evolution or a strong apology against it.

Yes, it is the job of the teacher to prepare students for the attacks on the faith that will come at grad school or elsewhere,  and unfortunately more and more  in Christian colleges,  and so they should read some materials of those who eisegete the Scriptures in order to defend evolution.   Lamoureau is an excellent example of such a writer.

In my opinion Lamoureau attacks God’s Word on several levels even though he is a theologian and scientist.    In the following link one can read about his attacks on the historical truth of Genesis 1-11.

Now I do not know if in your classes which will examine your faith and science questions related to Lamoureau’s book, you follow the student’s answers with your refutation of Lamoureau’s position as found above.   But there are hints that you don’t.  That’s because questions can be stated with a direction toward the answer you are looking for.  It appears that your questions are leading to a favorable view of Lamoureau.

Let me give you examples of this way of asking  questions.  If I were to have written the questions in your study of the compatibility of evolution and the Bible, they would have been more like the following.   You will see how my faith in how God made the world comes out immediately in how I write these questions.

  1. How do you respond to the young earth verses of Jesus?
  2. a) He was speaking as a human and didn’t really know he was just repeating the  statements of Genesis 1-3 which were misunderstood by him and the whole church until around 1800.

or b) As human he did not empty himself of the omniscience and omnipotence of his eternal divine nature by which he had created all things, so he would not be mixed up about origins. For while on earth he was omniscient and “knew what was in man  and did not need anyone to bear witness concerning man for He Himself knew what was in man.”   John 2: 24,25.

The young earth verses are Mark 10:6.  “From the beginning of the creation He made them male and female”( Adam and Eve). Thus Adam and Eve  were created at the beginning of Creation, not  13.5 years after the beginning.    And Luke 11:50 &51 “  The blood of all the prophets, shed since the foundation of the world…. from the blood of Abel….”   Here Jesus puts Abel at the foundation of the world, not billions of years after.

  1. What is the correct view of the Bible being an accommodation to our being finite and God being holy and infinite? Did John Calvin who speaks of this accommodation intend this to include a simple thing easy to understand like the days of creation and the age of the earth?   See Calvin’s Commentary on Gen. 1:5, p 34,  and on Gen. 1:3  p. 33.  See also his Institutes  Book 3,  Chap.XXI/  para. 4    and  Book I   Chapter XIV  , para. 1,2
  2. Give 3 reasons from the nature of Hebrew historical writing to show why the text of Genesis 1 is not poetry, not a poetic framework, but is just as historical as Genesis 12 through 50.
  3. How does Exodus 20: 11 help us understand the length of the days of Genesis one?
  4. What is the content of general revelation according to Romans 1:19-22, Romans 2:14-16, and Acts 14:17, and Psalm 19?   What knowledge does it give that leaves man without excuse?  Is the big bang, or the theory of evolution, or the claim that man comes from 10,000 hominids (not from Adam and Eve) really truly general revelation?  If it is, then would you claim that we are “without excuse” and liable to damnation if we reject these three ideas,  since “without excuse”  is connected to  the definition of the content of general revelation?  (Romans 1:20)
  5. Since Charles Lyell, 150 years ago, some theologians have claimed that “all” means “some” in the words of Gen. 7: 19 “ the water prevailed … so that all the high mountains under all the heavens were covered” based on places like Gen 41:56, and therefore  we can explain the geologic column apart from a universal flood.  Since the meaning of words must be determined by the context, give 5 contextual and common sense reasons about the nature of water why  in Gen. 7:9 “all” does indeed mean all. If only the mountains in the Tigris and Euphrates valley were covered including Mt Ararat, how high was the water?  Look up on line how high Mt. Ararat is ( the bottom is 6000 feet above sea level.)
  6. Do you think Charles Lyell’s uniformitarian geology was influenced by his world view when he wrote a letter to his friend that his three volumes of geology were written to “free geology from Moses”?
  7. Give 3 other theories for the red shift besides the theory of the expanding universe.
  8. Why did Jack Horner the head of the dinosaur museum in Montana refuse to accept a $20,000.00 gift to submit to a carbon 14 dating lab, the soft tissue found by Mary Schweitzer in 2005 in a Tyrannosaurus Rex leg bone?  Do you think he was afraid that the claim that dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago would be demolished, and even tumble the whole theory of an old earth? (starting at minute 18)
  9. Why did the American Geophysical Union refuse to publish the research of the Catholic newgeology researchers, showing that soft tissue of 8 different dinosaurs carbon dated at from 22 to 39 thousand years?
  10. In 2005 Francis Collins, head of the genome project said that 80% of human DNA was junk, remnants of evolution, but 10 years later he changed his mind and said 20% or less is and maybe someday, none of it will be perceived as junk. What does this teach us about the idea that general revelation (as wrongly defined)  and the Bible have equal authority?
  11. At the Scopes trial of 1925, Clarence Darrow, the atheist, claimed that Bryan was denying science and fact because 2 fossils, the Piltdown man discovered in England in 1912 and Nebraska man found in 1922 conclusively proved a missing link between monkey and man. Both were proven false:  The Piltdown man was discovered in 1953 to be a concoction of a 500 year old human skull and a recent ape jaw with teeth filed and acid put on teeth to make them look old.  500 papers were written about it (the plaster casts of it) before the fraud was exposed. Nebraska man was a single tooth around which an artist created a half man-half ape.  A few years later a similar tooth was found with the entire animal. It was an extinct pig.  A few years later the pig was found alive in So America.  What does this tell us about calling “evolution science” general revelation?
  12. After Mt. St. Helens exploded in 1980, a lava dome 1000 feet high grew out of the crater. Radioactive material from the dome was sent to a lab and came back dated at 600,000 to 2.6 million years old.  Yet it was only around 10 years old.  Theistic evolutionists will say this is an anomaly, even though many other recent volcanoes have been dated with the same error.   Would you call the dating at Mt St. Helens an anomaly to protect the evolutionary dating system?
  13. Recently John Sanford of Cornell U. wrote Genetic Entropy,  showing  from his colleagues and from his own research that mutations only go downwards, making evolution impossible.  Thus he agrees with the devolution taught in the Bible in Gen chapters 5 and 11 to Psalm 90(written by Moses) showing that man went from 969 years gradually down to 70 or 80,   God allow sisters to marry brothers for the first 2500 years but forbade it in Leviticus 18:8-18 and 20:11-21.  Do you think this Mosaic law was added because of genetic entropy?  Some  have tried to refute Sanford’s research.      Which would you take as your final source on this:  The Bible’s devolution claims,  or man’s evolution speculations and why?
  14. There are three sources of knowledge about creation: 1) the Bible,  2)  our study of God’s works, and   3) and what Paul in I Tim 6:20 calls a certain kind of science (see the Latin Vulgate word “scientia” used in this verse)  Which one are you most interested in following?
  15. The full title of Darwin’s book was On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. He thought Europeans were more evolved than Africans and Aborigines.  As a result many cities had aborigines or Africans put in zoos next to apes and were labeled “missing links”. In 1906 evolutionists put the Congolese pygmy Ota Benga on display in a cage in the Bronx Zoo.    Would you agree that the basic premise of Darwinism,  “the survival of the fittest” logically leads to such racism?
  16. In Barbara W. Tuchman’s story of World War I  called “The Guns of August”, page 13, she quotes German generals of 1910 writing that  war is “a biological necessity”, “a natural law”, “the law of the struggle for existence”, and  that “conquest is a law of necessity,” and on this basis German generals planned for 15 years how to invade France, whom they considered the less evolved people, and reach Paris in 60 days because of German superiority.  Stalin went from being a student of theology in Georgia to being a murdering monster after reading Darwin’s Origin of Species.  Hitler wrote Mein Kampf  meaning my struggle, Darwin’s language, and he thought Africans, Poles and Jews were “untermensch”, lower than man in the evolutionary struggle.   Do these thoughts and actions seem to be a logical outcome of Darwin’s ideas?
  17. Stephen Gould, professor at Harvard, who was America’s leading student of fossils, near the end of his life after seeing next to no missing links in the fossil record explained this absence by his theory of “punctuated Equilibrium”. He wrote “ The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persist as the trade secret of paleontology. The evolutionary trees that adorn our textbooks have data only at the tips and nodes of their branches; the rest is inference, however reasonable, not the evidence of fossils ….We fancy ourselves as the only true students of life’s history, yet to preserve our favored account of evolution by natural selection we view our data as so bad that we never see the very process we profess to study.” – Stephen J. Gould – “Evolution’s Erratic Pace,” Natural History, vol. 86 (May 1987), p. 14.  He did not give up believing the theory of evolution. An illustration of punctuated equilibrium would go like this:  for thousands of years dinosaurs remain dinosaurs (equilibrium), then one day a dinosaur lays an egg and out comes a complete bird (the meaning of punctuated).  What does this teach us about the relation of  presuppositions and facts?
  18. Hurun Yahya of Turkey produced 3 volumes called Atlas of Creation, containing more than 3000 colored pages of stasis (plants and animals remaining the same). On each page fossils from hundreds of museums around the world are pictured on the same page as the present living form with no changes, no evolution.  Why don’t theistic evolutionists show you these facts?
  19. When Francis Collins finished the genome project around 2005, he claimed that 80% of the human genome was junk DNA, remnants of evolution. 5-10 years later he admitted that after further study only 20% is junk, and many believe that as further study is made, all will be seen to have a function. What does this tell us about the changing “truth” of evolution science vs the unchanging truth of the Word of the Lord?
  20. Around 2005, researchers into human and chimpanzee DNA said they are 98% alike and as a result many theistic evolutionists like Daniel Harlow of Calvin College became even more convinced that man evolved from an ape like creature. In 2013, after a lot more study was made of the chimpanzee DNA, the figure went to 70% similarity.   Based on this and so many other such things, if a teacher told you that general revelation (defined as science) has equal authority to the Bible (the two book theory), how would you answer them?
  21. Evidence for whale evolution can be seen pictured at the U of Michigan at Ann Arbor going from Sinonyx… to Ambuloceus … to Rodhocetus…  to Dorudon  a…to Basilosaurus…with all the dates in millions of years.  Dr.Carl Werner in his captivating book called “Evolution, the Grand Experiment Vol 1” spoke to Dr. Gingerich who works at the U of Mich.  This is what this specialist in whale evolution now says after false claims and false pictures were discovered:   “sinonyx will have to be put on a side branch… I doubt that they have any special relationship to whales…. Ambulocetus is not on the main line of whale evolution.   Rodhocetus would have had a fluked tail.  Rodhocetus doesn’t have the kind of arms that can be spread out like flippers…. Basilosaurus was not on the line to modern whales.”    Oct 26, Darrell Falk claimed whale evolution as  a sure proof of missing links.  Why do you think he believes this?
  22. There are many places where rock formations have fossils the opposite order (that is, more complex creatures on the bottom layer) of what the evolutionists claim. 5 or more examples are given in The Genesis Flood , pages 180-200.  Evolutionists answer that overthrusts are the cause.  When you read this section examining the overthrust theory, do you agree?
    24.  Ray Comfort, (a Jew from Australia, who became a Christian and is now an active evangelist to the USA) put together a DVD called God and Evolution  in which he interviews four leading atheist evolution professors in the USA.

He asks each one the same question,  “Can you give me one scientific proof of a change of kinds?”  One says “The Galopagos finches.”  Ray: “What did they become?”   Answer:” finches.”  Ray:  “That is not a change of kind, that is the same kind. “   Another says,  “Bacteria.”  Ray, “What did they become?”  Answer:  “They evolved  into antibiotic resisting bacteria.”   Ray:  “That is not a change of kind.”  And so it went.   Ray asks them how they can call evolution science when it does not meet the criteria of direct evidence.  No one since Adam has seen a monkey begin to turn into  a man,  or a cat kind evolving into a dog kind,    That leads to this question:  If even atheists cannot give a scientific proof of evolution, why do some Christians espouse it and baptize this unscientific  speculation into theistic evolution?????  I recently heard a science teacher say:  “Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence”.  Is that the way science works now?   You don’t need proof but it is still true.  That statement is not even true of the resurrection, for we have the evidence of Christ’s resurrection in the witness of God and the Holy Spirit in the Word,  plus the evidence of the Apostles, of Paul, of 500 witnesses (I Cor 15), and of thousands of martyrs willing to die for it.   Do you agree?

From these few questions of the many one could offer, you can see the obvious differences in how questions can be asked.   They can give away your presuppositions.
There is another reason why I am convinced from the book list and questions in your new program on science and faith that you are leaning away from the Biblical  teaching on origins such as stated by amillenialists like Calvin, Luther,  Doug Kelly, John Murray,  Louis Berkhof , or dozens of post mils  like James Jordan, Gregg Bahnsen.

And that is by the almost absence of books from a young earth perspective.  I see a few references to books on the global flood from Answers in Genesis, but immediately followed by writings of sceptics who teach a local flood.    What I am wishing were on your list were books like  Theistic Evolution, a Scientific,Philosophical, and Theological Critique  a 1000 pages by experts in this field, and   Searching for Adam, Genesis and the Truth about Man’s Origin  500 pages by 6 superior thinkers in this field, and  Darwin’s Black Box, by the Catholic biochemist by Lehigh, a classic,  and Darwin on Trial, by Phillip Johnson, the book that launched the intelligent design movement,  or Icons of Evolution , by Jonathan Wells,  and Evolution, a Theory still in Crisis, by an agnostic Michael Denton, and my favorite Creation and change by Douglas Kelly, one of the sharpest minds in the PCA, whose book caused R.C. Sproul to teach a literal 24 hour day creation.    One cannot be informed about the history of this debate without reading the book that helped the church return to its 1800 year course of believing Genesis as God intended, the book that finally removed all my questions about evolution, and launched a world wide creation movement, a book I hold as my 3rd or 4th most precious book:  The Genesis Flood,    by the hydrologist Morris and the theologian Whitcomb.

So my supposition that you believe in theistic evolution is based on the kind of books you recommended and the books you ignored.

But it is definitely based on what we know about one of the financial supporters who gave part of the $25,000.00 to the faith and science project, namely the Templeton Foundation.  John Templeton charged his son Jack (before John died) that his one billion dollar trust fund was never to be used to advance young earth creationism,  but only to advance evolution.  So far he has given 11 million dollars to be used to promote evolution in the churches.  A few years ago he sponsored such a conference in my daughter Amy’s church, the CRC “Church of the Servant” in Grand Rapids.  Templeton claims to be a Christian and his son is a PCA elder, according to the following article.  Since Templeton will not give money to a group that espouses young earth or even intelligent design,  they would not have given Dordt money unless they taught evolution in this faith science project.

So what does all this matter since we all believe in Christ as the only hope of salvation?  And we trust the promises of the Bible.

This is why it matters to me:

  1. It attacks the character of God.

Old earth thinking makes God look evil.  Why?  Because of what the fossil record reveals, if viewed not as a result of events after Adam’s sin, but as events before Adam’s sin.  Fossils are formed primarily by sudden burial by water born sediments  or sudden volcanic eruptions.  Floods are evidence of judgments, and are called curses on the ground.  Some fossils reveal diseases like cancer and arthritis.  Diseases in the non-human part of creation (the non-human in v. 19-22, human in v 23) causing suffering and groaning are viewed in the Bible as following after Adam’s sin. (Romans 8: 19-23)  There are huge fossil graveyards such as in Agate Springs, Nebraska where 9000 animals such as rhinos, three toes horses, camels, giant boars, and birds are buried in a mass grave.   Evolutionists claim that 60% of animals went extinct in those millions of years.   Is this the way God wants us to view his way of creation?    He looks like a monster, angry, and irrational, and evil,  if  you view fossils as pre-fall,  which old earth thinking requires.   Unbelievers mock Christians who espouse theistic evolution, the combining of old earth thinking with the Bible.  For example, in the secular British journal Nature  we read  this critique:

               The problem that theistic evolution poses “is the sort of God that a Darwinian version of evolution implies: The evolutionary process is rife with happenstance, contingency, incredible waste, death, pain and horror. Whatever the God implied by the evolutionary theory and the data of natural history may be like, he is not the loving God who cares about his productions.  The God of the Galapagos is careless, wasteful, indifferent, almost diabolical.  He is certainly not the sort of God to whom anyone would be inclined to pray.”  Thus the song of theistic evolution is no longer  “How great thou art,”  in reference to creation but “How chaotic thou art.”

  1. A second reason why it matters is found by looking at the results in the lives of hundreds of people born into churches who abandoned the faith because of evolution:  Here is what Michael Denton, an agnostic wrote:   “Today it is the Darwinian view of nature more than any other that is responsible for the agnostic and skeptical outlook of the 20th century.”

But let me close on a positive note.  I wrote the following question hoping it would be used in the question answer session after the Todd Wood- Darrell Falk conversation hopefully to bring unity to us in a different direction.

In our discussion of the how and when(at what time and how long) of the first creation, shouldn’t we also look to what we all agree on about the how and when of the new creation?  We all  confess with the Apostle’s creed the resurrection of the dead.  And we all agree on how and when(how long) it will happen. For Scripture tells us how and when.  When ?  In the twinkling of an eye not over billions of years.  And how will it happen?  By God’s almighty Word.

We already have a clear understanding of the how and when in the resurrection of Lazarus.  How did it happen?  By the Word of Christ:  “Lazarus come forth.”  When did it happen?  Immediately, in a moment, just as water was turned to wine in a moment, just as the widow’s son was raised in a moment.

And we all believe this, even though science declares, “impossible.”  Paul to Festus in Acts 24:15 said it will be a resurrection of the just and the unjust. That’s a lot of people! Maybe 30 billion since Adam. All of them with their trillions of cells, and miles of DNA, many of them cremated with ashes scattered. Science says it’s too complex to happen in a moment.  Science based on experience says “We have never witnessed even one resurrection, nor water turned to wine.”  David Hume, the British philopher of the 1700’s taught,  “If you haven’t seen it, it can’t be true. Thus no miracles.”

As Christians we reject such scientism. Why do we believe it will happen in the twinkling of an eye?  Because God said it, and God cannot lie.

So my question is, shouldn’t we be just as happy and eager to believe the same about the how and when of the first creation, and reject any science which refuses to accept the clear Biblical record of the how and when. How? The same way he raised Lazarus.  He spoke.  He said: “Let there be light” and immediately there was light.  “He commanded and it stood fast.”  And when? Let Scripture interpret Genesis 1.  Let Exodus 20 interpret it: “for in 6 days.”  Let Mark 10:6  interpret it: Jesus says Adam and Eve were created “at the beginning of creation”, not 13.5 billions years after.

Summary of Wood-Falk Christian/Evolution Discussion

Todd Wood and Darrell Falk Discussion, Oct 26, 2018, Sioux Center, IA

 Statement of basic belief, each for 10 minutes.

  1. Todd Wood: I believe in a young earth and a literal Genesis 1 because:
  2. The Text: Genesis 1-11 are written as history. There is no indication when we read Genesis 12 that it is a different kind of writing.
  3. The Biblical tradition: Jesus and Paul all spoke of the things in Genesis 1-11 as historical. When Jesus talked about marriage and divorce he appealed to Genesis one and two as historical. When Paul speaks about justification, in Romans 5, he views Adam as historical.
  4. The church’s tradition: from the time of Christ to the 1800’s all theologians who wrote commentaries on Genesis or referred to it viewed it as historical.
  1. Darrell Falk: He made not a single reference to the Bible. Using power point his entire presentation was from the following 4 scientific reasons:
  2. The geological fossil record shows simpler animals on the bottom and more complex animals higher in the column. And we know when the various forms developed because the radiometric dating tells us, plus gives older dates for lower simpler fossils. The Uranium–lead, Potassium–argon, Rubidium–strontium, and Uranium–thorium dating methods all agree in each sample of rock.
  3. A comparison of embryos and their development shows that we evolved from animals. He had four photos of a dolphin embryo from earlier to later stages in development; and then four photos of a human embryo from earlier to later stages. They looked very much alike, therefore showing evolution.
  4. Marsupial animals are found mainly in Australia. He showed photos of similar animals like moles: moles in Australia being marsupial, moles in the rest of the world being non marsupial, that is not growing in pouches. Therefore, this shows evolution working itself out in different ways in different places.
  5. The evolution of the whale. He showed fossils of a land animal that had similar structure to a whale. So a land mammal with legs evolved into a whale without legs.

Then followed time for each to respond to the other:

  1. Todd Wood: “So now has this come down to a science versus religion debate? I spent my whole life studying the science of evolution and old earth, and I don’t think it backs up what you are saying. Good science does non contradict the Bible.” But Todd did not give more than one example to refute Darrell’s scientific arguments. His example was about the whale. Todd had examined the evidence on this and found it inaccurate.
  1. Darrell: We can interpret Genesis one as not history. We have the insights of Walton from Wheaton, for example showing us how to deny its history and still believe it. Darrell does believe in a real Adam and Eve and a real fall in history. Adam and Eve were some kind of hominid into which God breathed, and then made them image bearers.

Then responses to these: 

  1. Todd: Every ten years the theistic evolutionists find another theory like Walton’s to explain away the historicity of Genesis one. Ten years ago it was Sailhammer saying Eden was a temple; after another ten years it will be someone else.
  1. Darrell: We have two books to teach us about origins: the Bible and general revelation. Implied, but not stated, was that each has equal authority and also implied was that man’ s science is general revelation.

The last half hour was spent in saying how we all love each other and can work together in the tension of not resolving the issue. Sentence prayers were made from the audience under the themes of praise, petitions, and hope.